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  • Items which came up during talk with Flavia Donno:
    • what is the pupose of 'architecture' in the StorageService? Needs to be defined.
    • what is the 'Supported Profile' on a StorageEndpoint ?
    • define 'Type' attribute inherited from Service. What is it in case of a StorageService?
    • downtimes on access protocols
    • durable and volatile StorageEnvironment entities need to be accompanied with a time
    • 'path' in StorageShare neccessary?


  • Sergio Andreozzi
  • Laurence Field
  • Felix Ehm
  • Paul Millar
  • Stephen Burke
  • Maarten Litmaath
  • Balazs Konya


Architecture: what are the possible values? how to use it?

  • was inherited from GLUE 1.3
  • may have different values for different sub-systems

Agree to move to StorageEnvironment

What is the difference between a Storage Environment and Storage Space

  • different types of qualities for storage
    • each type of quality of storage has status and size info
  • in each type, different shares can be created
    • each share has a state

Agree to rename StorageSpace in StorageCapacity

What are the relationships and multiplicity between StorageCapacity and the rest of entities?

StorageResource (1)----(*) StorageCapacity
StorageEnvironment (1)----(1) StorageCapacity
StorageShare (1)----(?) torageCapacity

In ComputingResource, we have LRMSType/Version. How do we publish name and version of Torque/MAUI? Do we need it? (e.g. for statistics) Not resolved

Do we keep storageResource and allow SS 1--* SR ? Not resolved

What is a Storage Resource? Is what is left if you remove the Grid layer

Examples? Action to provide examples

Actions: Felix, Balazs, Paul to provide examples as XML document or natural language; the important is to consider a real system and to describe for each class, how many instances, which values for each attribute and the relationships among class instances


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This is a static archive of the previous Open Grid Forum GridForge content management system saved from host file /sf/wiki/do/viewPage/projects.glue-wg/wiki/PhoneMeeting20080314_1?selectedTab=attachments at Sun, 06 Nov 2022 11:41:33 GMT