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Phone Meeting

  • Date: 14 June 2007
  • Time: 4 PM CEST (conversion to other timezones)
  • Calling number: +41 22 76 77000 (ask for meeting organized by Laurence Field)


  1. Agenda Bashing.
  2. State of the Use Cases
  3. Current State of the General Model (Site Service Resources and Relationships)
  4. Current State of the CE
  5. Current State of the SE
  6. AOB


Attendance: Laurence Field Maarten Litmaath Felix Ehm Ellen Stokes Gabriele Garzoglio Balazs Konya Sergio Andreozzi Stephen Burke

BK: Was there anything relevant from the last OGSA meeting for this group?

LF: Only that the Glue Schema groups seems to be accepted as the place where work on the schema should be done.

SA: The SAS group presented some other their use cases

SA: The use case template has be updated to take into consideration the feedback from OGF 20. More use cases have been added.

Action: LF to create the draft document which should be ready by the 26th of June, in time for the next OGSA meeting. SA: We should try google docs. LF: Will do.

LF: The reference model group needs to help us with the main entities (Site, Service, Resource) and the relationships between them.

Action: ES will bring this up in the next reference model phone call.

BZ: The reference model group should take a look at the main entities that we have defined.

SA: Not much work has been done on the CE schema since OGF20. Only general capability and APAC use cases.

LF: Need to wait for the draft use case document before moving forward

LF: We needs to start moving forward on the SE schema

??: What groups do we need to consider other than the SRM group

Action: LF to poll information from Glue, JSDL and OGSA email lists.

Action: The SE use cases from Glue 1.3 should be uploaded

Action: Need to find someone to coordinate the SE schema definition work.

Action: People should send suggestions of who could to this to LF.

SA: I will be going the the DMTF meeting in July to present the Glue Schema work. I will sent around the presentation for comments and suggestions.

Next Meeting: OGSA phone call 28 June.


Versions Associations Attachments Back Links  
Version Version Comment Created By
Version 2 Sergio Andreozzi - 06/14/2007
Version 1 Sergio Andreozzi - 06/14/2007

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This is a static archive of the previous Open Grid Forum GridForge content management system saved from host file /sf/wiki/do/viewPage/projects.glue-wg/wiki/PhoneMeeting20070614?showDetails=true at Sun, 06 Nov 2022 19:05:36 GMT