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wiki1818: FeedbackUseCases

Feedback from the initial dratf of the use case document.

1 Timo Baur - D-Grid

Append a use case for maintenance messages suitable for chapter 4 (generic site) or 5 (generic service)

Scenario: site or service maintenance message

Short Description: A site administrator or grid operator wants to know, if a Grid resource or service is in maintenance or will be in maintenance at a given date and time and when it will recover.

Actors: grid operator, site administrator, resource selection for job submission,service and resource discovery

Conversation: Scenarios where such maintenance messages are already used are e.g. the LCG GoC Database. In the case of distributed GoCs or dynamic resource providers, this data may be collected dynamicaly and distributed decentraly.

Acceptance Test: Does it include all important information?

2 Gerson Galang - APAC

Can you tell me which section you've inserted wiki use case 32 in the document you sent?


I had a little difficulty understanding how this fits as a use case as it seems to be the wrong way wound. The system administrator wanting to advertise a specific set-up is a requirement on a use case, what the the end user does with the information that is advertised is the use case. Please can you let me know what use case this is a requirement for or alternatively, suggest a new use case written from the perspective of then information consumer.

Gerson Galang

Here's the same use case coming from the user's perspective.

Description: Find the compute service for the compute resource. Conversation: What is the URI of the GRAM service that I can submit myjob to if I want to run my job on this cluster?


This use case seems to be 5.1, "Find all the service endpoints for a specific service type." In your particular case the instance is the compute service. The requirement is that this should take into consideration multiple resources. Is that acceptable?

Gerson Galang Yes, 5.1 will do.

3 Markus Schulz - LCG For the FTS more detailed monitoring information is required to schedule file transfers. This information could be provided by an associated service.

4 I can't speak for everybody, and we have a lot of communities, but it seems to me that use cases 1, 2, 3, 4,5,6,7,8,10,13,15,16,22,26,27,28 could be somehow relevant for D-Grid.
  • cases 2,3 - keep it as simple as possible
  • case 4 - this issue should interface with JSDL as much work is already done
  • case 26 - this issue should interface with NMWG as much work is already done

I just realized that i related to the old list of use-cases in the wiki. Here are the endorsment to the use-cases in the ue-case document (you can delete the old one):

D-Grid endorses 4.1 to 4.5 5.1, 5.2, 5.3 6.1 7.1.,7.2, 7.3, 7.6, 8.5, 9, 11.1 (support OGSA-DAI ?), 12.3, 13


Sorry about the delay in correspondence. I've taking a look at the current UCS and spec however I'm not sure that the spec includes some of APAC's concerns/UCS's. We are very interested in getting Software Executable information out of Glue/MDS such as that described in our extensions to Glue Schema 1.3. We believe that to successfully launch grid jobs, software info is required in addition to hardware.

From first pass, it appears that Application Environment may satisfy this, however with further reading I'm not sure. Can you confirm the element will be able to hold details such as: - software executable name - whether the executable can be run in serial OR parallel (and if so which parallel implementation?) - VO restrictions on the executable if any

I noticed it can hold values for: Environment Setup, Module Name, path to exe etc but if you could clarify whether the above will be possible, it would be appreciated



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