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OGF IRC Information

The OGF IRC service operates in BETA mode right now - please don't rely on ot (yet), and report bugs and feature requests here. Thanks. (AM)

The OGF IRC server can be reached at . You must use your gridforge login information for login - the server is closed for the general public right now. So, use the following configuration:

  • servername:
  • serverport: 6667
  • username: your GF login name
  • password: your GF passwd
  • nickname: your GF login name
  • real name: your real name

The OGF IRC service if accompanied by an IRC-bot named 'Robert'. Robert has a number of tasks:

  • keep a channel open for each group
  • provides links to channel log files
  • provides information about other users
  • provides group specific news, and MOTD

Robert reacts on following commands, which are formatted like:

Robert, <command> (argument) ... (!?.) Robert: <command> (argument) ... (!?.)

Parts in round brackets () are optional, parts in angle brackets are variable. Roberts name and commands are case insensitive. The commands Robert understands are:

  • help
    • Robert can give you some basic help. However, to keep noise in the channels low, Robert will mostly point you to this web page.
    • (please) help (me) -- robert will point you to this page.
  • channel logs
    • Robert is keeping track of the channel traffic, and creates log files. These are archived, available to all gridforge members. Robert starts a new logfile if a channel gets empty, i.e. if Robert is alone on the channel. Also, Robert can be told to start a new logfile.
    • (where is the] log - provides a link to the current log file.
    • (where are the] logs - provides a link to the log file index for the channel.
    • start (new} log ( : topic) - starts a new logfile, e.g. for a dedicated discussion (topic is noted in logfile header).
  • user information
    • Robert is also keeping track of users, and can tell you where other users are, or when they left.
    • (have you) seen <nickname> (and|or|, ...) -- tells you what channels the user has joined, or when he was last seen.
    • (have you) seen <first_name> <last_name> (and|or|, ...) -- tells you what channels the user has joined, or when he was last seen. Anyway, right now robert is very picky about correct spelling of names...
  • messaging service
    • Robert can store and relay messages for a specific user, or for a certain channel (News and MOTD)
    • remember (news) <news message> -- stores a new news message, for 2 weeks at most. The message gets a number assigned.
    • forget (news) <number> -- lets robert forget a specific news message.
    • show (news) | (any) news -- lets robert list all remembered news messages for that channel.
    • notify <nickname> <notice> -- lets robert store a note for <nickname>, which gets delivered the next time the user logs on, on any channel.

Future Robert upgrades etc

Well, Robert is (in real live) a perl script, and, as such, easily to extend. If you would like to see new features added, or would like to report bugs, please do so below.


  • Again, that service currently operates as Beta - please report any bugs here.

Feature Requests

Praise and suggesstions


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This is a static archive of the previous Open Grid Forum GridForge content management system saved from host file /sf/wiki/do/viewPage/projects.ggf-info/wiki/OGFIRC at Wed, 02 Nov 2022 23:27:59 GMT