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wiki2112: APIDesign



The Open Cloud Computing Interface ("OCCI") is an extensible API for managing Cloud Infrastructure Services (Infrastructure as a Service).

The following reflects the general requirements collected through the specifications of use cases. RFC 2119 requirements levels are used throughout.

Technical specification

Entry Point

The API has a single entry point in the form of a URI e.g.,,, etc.

Doing a HTTP GET on this end point will return a collection of all resources to which the user has access, in the default rendering format (unless overridden using HTTP Content Negotiation by setting the Accept: header).

This collection should include:

  • Descriptions in a suitable format (e.g. OVF)
  • Links to operations (e.g. start, stop, restart)
  • Links to other resources
  • Tags/categories for logical grouping of resources

Central entity

The central entity is a "resource" which can represent a server, network device, storage device, etc. These resources should be bound by SLA so that the concern of whether or not they are physical or virtual is allayed by the SLAs guarantees.

A request to an individual resource will return a representation of the resource in a supported format requested in the HTTP Accept: header, or the default format if none are specified.


Every resource must have an immutable identifier that is globally unique. Implementations that do not allocate IDs from a sequence/register should allocate an immutable Type 4 UUID (e.g. 90a3492b-c17a-44f1-8c5f-8dfcc5603c9b) on creation. This allows any actor to safely generate an identifier without revealing any information about the system (such as the number of resources managed or their location). It should be possible to migrate resources between implementations without having to rewrite identifiers and without risk of clashes. Resources can be associated with an arbitrary number of other resources (including resources of the same type - for example a logical storage volume backing onto a physical storage device) using links. These links may have attributes, such as local identifiers for storage and network devices (e.g. sda or eth0).

CRUD Operations

Create, Retrieve, Update and Delete (CRUD) operations map to HTTP verbs POST, GET, PUT and DELETE respectively:
Construct a document representing the resource in a supported format and submit it via HTTP POST to the appropriate collection (e.g. /compute, /network or /storage).
Make a HTTP GET request to a specific resource (e.g. /compute/id) or a collection (e.g. /compute). The search extension allows results to be limited to one or more matching resources.
Retrieve the resource(s) to be updated, make the required changes and submit them with a HTTP PUT.
Make a HTTP DELETE request to the URL of the resource.

Meta Model

Nouns Verbs and Attributes

Atom is only used where multiple resources need to be represented in a single HTTP message

OCCI relies on HTTP and Atom as meta-models for individual resources and collections of resources respectively.

  • Associations between OCCI resources and to other generic resources (e.g. screenshots, descriptors, etc.) are represented in Link: headers for HTTP and LINK elements for Atom.
  • Unique identifiers are represented in the URL for HTTP and ID element for Atom.
  • Resource age is represented by Last-Modified: headers for HTTP and UPDATED elements for Atom.
  • Resource versioning uses ETags in both instances.

Descriptor format

An earlier, more complex wire protocol discussion has been moved to the WireProtocol page.

Compliant implementations must render resources in the following formats depending on the content type requested by the client.

text/plain (.txt)

type compute
cores 8
cpu 3 Ghz
memory 16 Gb

application/json (.json)

  "type": "compute"
  "cores": 8,
  "cpu": "3 Ghz",
  "memory": "16 Gb"

application/xml (.xml)

  <cpu>3 Ghz</cpu>
  <memory>16 Gb</memory>

Collection format

Collections of resources must be rendered as Atom with the requested content type embedded in the CONTENT element:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<feed xmlns="" xmlns:occi="">
<title>Acme Cloud</title>
<link href="" rel="self"/>
<author><name>Acme, Inc.</name></author>
  <title>Example Virtual Machine</title>
  <content type="application/occi+xml">
      <occi:cpu>3 Ghz</occi:cpu>
      <occi:memory>16 Gb</occi:memory>



For maximum compatibility OCCI relies on HTTP for security, maintaining a registry of supported authentication mechanisms.

Resources should be transparently authenticated such that they can use OCCI for introspection (e.g. a virtual machine could connect to OCCI to discover application configuration parameters, SSH authorized_keys, etc.). Authentication must be transparent and could be based on MAC address, IP address, interface, etc.


Fine-grained security prevents users from viewing and/or modifying resources they are not specifically granted access to, thus providing for multi-tenant deployments at a single entry point. Individual verbs can be restricted based on functional role - for example a disaster recovery operator may only have permission to start a virtual machine at a remote site.

Confidentiality & Integrity

Confidentiality and integrity are delivered by the SSL/TLS tunnel and/or XML digital signatures and encryption. All implementations should implement SSL/TLS security and may also implement XML digital signatures and/or encryption for out-of-band requests (e.g. smtp interfaces), billing reports, etc.


Internet media type

The Internet media (MIME) types for the OCCI descriptor format are application/occi+xml, application/occi+json and application/occi+text.

Future versions of the specification which are not backwards compatible should embed the version so as to avoid having separate entry points for each version (e.g. application/occi2+xml)



An updatable registry shall be maintained of states (e.g. stopped, active) and transitions (e.g. start, stop, restart).

XML Namespace

The domain has been allocated for any OCCI related namespace requirements (Contact: Sam Johnston for write access to the domain)


The Open Cloud Computing Interface



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