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Phone Meeting


  1. Agenda Bashing.
  2. Presentation of the new document structure for GLUE 2 Spec
  3. Site and Service Use Cases
  4. Site and Service Model
  5. CE Use Cases
  6. CE Info Model
  7. SE Use Cases
  8. SE Info Model
  9. AOB


Attendance: Steve Fisher Balazs Konya Sergio Andreozzi Ellen Stokes Felix Ehm Laurence Field Stephen Burke

Agenda Bashing: Discuss the Glue Session for OGF 21 We now have the ability to use Glance in our meetings, thanks to Hiro.

Presentation of the Doc: Has be update to conform to the OGF template. Discussion on the Computing Element. Steve Fisher, Stephen Burke, Ellen and Laurence are not in favour. Steve suggest that there could be a many to many relationships between sites (organizations). There seems to be a general issue requiring a definition of the site, service, resource entities and relationships. Ellen suggests taking a look at the UML and description of CIM to help in the understanding.

Action: Join the Reference Model phone call to discuss this issue further.

Sergio will be going to the DMFT meeting and can have some more discussions with them.

Use Cases: Stephen Burke asked about missing monitoring use cases. Laurence states that if people are not going to help provide use cases then there is nothing much we can do. We can only do our best to cover the use cases that we think should be there. Comments on missing use cases and other suggestions should be given to Laurence who will consolidate them and update the document. Steve F does not like the categorization of the document. Laurence thinks that the categorization is ok as it groups use cases, however, this is a minor editorial issue and can be sorted out at a later date. Steven Burke: How much do use cases define attributes. Sergio asked about the process. Laurence: The use case document helps us to understand why we are defining the schema and to keep our focus. There does not need to be a formal process.

Actions: Read the document and provide Laurence with feedback. Laurence will bring any issues up at a future phone conference.

Steve F: What is the meaning of multiplicity? Ellen suggests that this would be a profile document. This would be something that would be owned by the gin-wg

OGF 21: 2 combined sessions on entities and use cases and 1 joint sessions with BES, reference model, jsdl, saga etc.

Next Meeting: Friday 13th 17:55 CET. Details will be send to the Glue Schema list


I think it was agreed that GLUE was a logical model and that the multiplicities should correspond to what is there in the system being modelled. Any requirements to publish particular fields to ensure interopaerability belongs in a profile document - this might be done within GIN. Steve F

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